Organic Rye Sprouts, Organic Wheat Sprouts, Organic Wholemeal Rye Flour, Organic Wholemeal Flour, Iodised Salt, Olive Oil
• Vegan friendly
Bodhi’s Sprouted Wholegrain Breads

Why we sprout grains for our range of sprouted breads

Grains have a natural protective coating that makes them hard to digest …

when we add clean fresh water and just the right temperature …

… our whole grains sprout! Sprouting breaks the barrier so nutrients and enzymes are more available for our bodies to use!

We mix the sprouted grains with other plant-based ingredients …

to bake our delicious, super nutritious, plant-based breads …
You might like to try our other Sprouted Wholegrain products
Or some of our other best selling breads